Friday, 13 April 2012

New Shirt

I did my second painting of the holiday today, and the second one of 2012. It feels good to be painting again. Who knows, maybe I'll start running again soon?
It's called The New Shirt, and is a painting of Coney Street, looking towards Micklegate.

It's not finished; I need to tidy up the shop structure, but it needs to dry off before I can do that.
Final bit of detail.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Something old, something new..

Something New.
I haven't painted anything since the first day of the Christmas holidays. I broke my new year 'duck' over Easter; the results are below. It's of St Sampson's Square in York, in the rain. It was a bit of a struggle,but at least I am painting again.
Here it is in stages...

 No drawing, just blocking in.
 Mapping out the main tones...
 A few details, and then time to leave it for a while.
 Getting rid of that pavement on the right.
Here's a picture of my palette, for no other reason than I can!

Something Old
This is an older painting of The Shambles, which I did last year. It's smaller than the one above, but just as rough and ready.
A few of my more recent paintings arranged in the corner of my studio.