Saturday, 29 September 2012

Free Saturday.

I decided to put my first free saturday for ages to good use, and paint...after sorting out the guttering.....again.
This is another painting of Coney Street, which is apparently named  after the Danish word for king; Kunung (so, not rabbits then). The original meaning of the street was King’s Highway, although it's not clear which king the word relates to. Coney street has also been known as Cuningstrete and Cunegestrate, and is possibly the one of the first paved streets in York.
This painting is oil on canvas. The canvas in question being cannibalised from our garden swing, which bit the dust this summer. I glued the canvas onto a piece of reasonably thick card. As I write this, the swing's wooden frame is merrily burning away on our log burner, keeping my legs warm (still wearing shorts as a mule-headed point of principle; it is still september).
 Blocking in the main design
 Adding a few touches of colour.

 establishing the tonal relationships.
 ok..let's start to get stuck in and 'find' the image.
 This is the fun bit..

Coney Street (finished)

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Last Day of the Holiday.

Back to school tomorrow....reluctantly. I tried to make the most of the last day by going out and doing a painting. This is of the river Kyle, near Newton-by-Beningbrough, and is an oil on canvas. The canvas is from our old swing seat, which I broke up over the holiday. I decided to cannibalize the canvas, so stuck it down on boards. It needs proper primer though, as the primer I have used is a little absorbent.
 The view.
Set up and started. 
Blocking in. 
 Making progress.
The finished painting.
Bridge Over The River Kyle.