Saturday, 23 January 2016

From the Christmas Break.

This could be figures in a landscape...if you like. It could just be shapes and textures. It could be about winter, or looking into a strong light. For me, at the moment, it's about trying to regain your balance and stability after you have lost it. However, I gave it the title Augury whilst I was thinking about the slow, but relentless drip of time, and wondering when we recognise that the things we do and say mark a change into an older age. Are we old when we look back more than we look forward? think more about the past than the future? Well, I'm not there yet, but I do feel stiff when I get out of bed these days.
Just saying.


Tuesday, 19 January 2016


The days are short
The sun a spark
Hung thin between
The dark and dark.

Fat snowy footsteps 
Track the floor
Milk bottles burst
Outside the door.

The River is 
A  frozen place
Held still between
The trees of lace.

The sky is low
The wind is grey
The radiator
Purrs all day.


John Updike


Saturday, 16 January 2016


I've had some interesting conversations with Sara and Seth about how certain paintings might suggest a narrative, and how that might differ from one person to the next. It tends to be the abstract and semi-abstract pieces that do this the most. This is one such piece. It's a small encaustic, painted about a week or so ago, and one that I'm quite pleased with. I like the posture of the figure(?) and the pared back landscape(?). It appears to me to be either pensive and reflective, depending on my mood at the time I'm looking at it.
I've tried to give it a title that might also be open ended in meaning.

Slipping Away

Sunday, 3 January 2016

New Year Resolution

One of my resolutions is to blog every week for a year, so here goes with number one.
Abstract Landscape