It's good to get back outside. It's good to see spring develop; it's the best time of the year. A friend once told me that spring makes it's way up the country at walking pace, and I absolutely love that idea. It once formed the basis of a very long story that I made up for Archie, who went through a stage of preferring us to make up stories for him, to reading them to him. This story featured a boy, who's name I forget, who escaped from the Sunnyside Home For Wayward Boys, and embarked on an adventure where he had to get to the very north of Scotland before spring got there. He met all manner of creatures and had lots of escapades on the way. I made up installments everyday for about a month, and boy was it hard work! I eventually passed the baton to Sara. As I recall I dropped it in her lap as we drove to France, "Your mum wants to tell you a story now" (-"Thanks, darling!").
Being outside more, running, has found me looking at the sky again. The Vale of York has big skies, as does anywhere flat, and some of them are amazing. It's little wonder that they feature so prominently in so many of my paintings..
oil on canvas
A Beauty!